I get questions and comments all the time about eating healthy or eating clean. How many different "diets" do you hear about every day? Hundreds probably! There's people going veggie, or vegan, There are fighter diets, paleo diets, and high protein/low carb diets. There's Adkins, South Beach, Nutri System, Jenny Craig, and Weight Watchers. There is sooooo much information out there, sometimes it's just plain confusing!
I'd like to know how everyone seems to have "the best" way? Last time I checked in with Mr. Webster the definition of "best" was: 1. excelling all others 2. most productive of good : offering or producing the greatest advantage, utility, or satisfaction 3. most, largest!
I can understand that we worry because we love certain things and don't want to give them up. I've got two words for you: Re Lax!!!
The key is to eat less, and eat balanced. One thing I learned when I first started on this journey, was learning what a TRUE portion size was. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I learned that I was literally eating two or more of everything. I quickly learned to read labels and look at calories. Just because it says light or low fat, doesn't mean it is low cal. You have to find a basic balance between carbs, proteins, and fats. It's really not that hard, and the best part is most of the food I love, I still eat, just not as often or as much.
Over the past couple of years, I have learned how to eat (and what to eat) to become more healthy, but it didn't take radical change, it took MODERATION. Yeah, those who know me, have often heard my favorite saying, "It's moderation, not deprivation"! I guess what I am trying to say is we tend to over think, over worry, and over react when we "cheat". Don't stress people! There is no need to give up all you love if you pay attention to all you need. They say only 30% of weight loss happens in the gym, that leaves 70% of the work, where? ON YOUR PLATE! Read labels, choose wisely, eat the right amount for you...success will happen.
Eat, enjoy, and relax!