Saturday, May 26, 2012

Benefits of Drinking Water

With the holiday weekend here, I thought it would be a good time to remind us all of some of the benefits of hydrating our bodies with good ole H2O!  Many of us will be out on the lake, at the beaches or parks, and now that the summer is heating up, we'll be drinking ALOT!  Alcohol, cola, and coffee all can leave you dehydrated quickly. The more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are of becoming dehydrated!  WHY?  Yep, the more you drink, the more you need to "go"!  If you are drinking alcohol this weekend, try alternating a bottle of water between beers!

10 Quick Reasons to drink water:

1. Water suppresses the appetite.
2. Water helps to reduce cholesterol.
3. Water helps to tone muscle.
4. Water is necessary for proper digestion.
5. Water helps the liver to function.
6. Water helps soothe digestive problems.
7. The right amount of water causes the body to stop retaining water.
8. Water stops you confusing hunger and thirst.
9. Water help moisturize the skin and makes it more radiant and supple.
10. Water helps wash the toxins out of the body.

I hope you all have a happy and healthy Memorial Day weekend!  Remember to honor our service men and women, and remember those who have given their lives to preserve all the freedoms we enjoy in this great country.

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