Thursday, May 24, 2012

There's no time like NOW to create a new YOU!

An important first step to making significant changes in your life is to sit down and give some serious thought to what is going well for you in life and what is not.  You're probably used to avoiding this issue, but it's time to face it!

MAKE A LIST! The act of writing down your thoughts makes them very real.  You'll be much more likely to follow through with your plan if you write it down!  You'll find when you make a list that there are going to be some things that you just can't control.  Don't let that get you down.  Focus on the things that you CAN control!  Everything starts with YOU; so focus on YOU!

When you make changes in your health and appearance, and like what you see in the mirror, everything else will look differently to you too.  The old adage about "rose-colored glasses" is really true!  So don't worry about those items on your list that you can't tackle right ---just tackle YOU!

It doesn't matter what else is going on in your life; no one controls what you put in your mouth except you.  Forget the reasons why you can't make it work and as Nike would say, "Just Do It!"

If you need to lose a large amount of weight, don't despair! Never think in terms of "I'd have to diet for a year to look good!"  Instead, tell yourself that you are going to "eat healthier today". Each new day you'll want to focus only on that day!

Set small weight loss goals and celebrate each five pounds that you lose.  You'll find that the longer you stick to your plan, the stronger your MOTIVATION will become!

If you are just too overwhelmed by the task ahead of you, select several small changes to transform your diet---that you know you can commit to....

1. Decide that for one week you will eat 3 small meals and 2 snacks each day.
2. In addition, you will finish eating for the day before 7 pm.
3. Next week, add another couple of goals.  You will have 3 ounces of lean protein at each addition to the first two items from the previous week.
4. You will only have 1 diet soda (or none) each day.

And on and on, adding a new item to the list each week.  YOUR GOALS ARE ATTAINABLE!!! You just have to want them more than you want to stay the same.

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