Friday, July 6, 2012

Let Consistency Be Your Miracle...

I love this quote, "When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it - but all that had gone before." -- Jacob Riis

The same is true on our journey to good health!  You set a goal to lose weight.  Every week you step on the scale, expecting to see that magic number appear. Finally, after weeks, maybe months of eating clean and working out, BOOM..there it is!  It's not that final day before that brought about that's all those days added together, being consistent, that brought about that achievement!

It's somewhat amusing to me when someone who has not seen me in a while (like 30 pounds ago) meets up with me again, they are a bit surprised at how I look these days.  The first things they want to know are "how did you do it?" and "what's your secret?" I find it interesting how common that initial question is. When we have a problem that we need a solution for... We want a secret! Some miracle plan that will magically solve it! Just watch late night television. All those infomercials claim to have the secret and it is only available there! …or on an end cap in Walgreens or Target.  Except for a few, (Here’s my Beachbody plug ) most don't  deliver. There is no substitute for steady, CONSISTENT work.


The day-after-day dedication to our fat-burning exercise, using the proper muscles, will bring about changes and strength in our bodies. Eating the proper foods at the proper times, day-after-day will bring about the changes and strength in our metabolism. By being CONSISTENT we will experience changes and strength in our mental and emotional approach to life.


Every day that I eat clean and workout makes the next one easier. It eliminates the stress by taking the "decision" out of the situation. When to eat and what to eat is no longer an issue. If you have your menu planned, your food prepared and on hand, it is much easier to say that little word "no" when presented with the temptation to go off plan. But, we create a lot of our stress by being INCONSISTENT. Use the plan as your reason to say "no" and eliminate all that time worrying or mulling over WHAT to do.


With CONSISTENT days following your plan, they will begin to add up into weeks. The pounds and inches will begin to melt away! And that is SUCCESS! With the pounds and inches melting away, our bodies are healthier and that is SUCCESS! With healthier bodies, we look and feel so much better and that is SUCCESS!

The foundation of every successful weight-loss program remains a healthy, clean diet combined with exercise on a consistent basis! For successful, long-term weight loss, you must make permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits.

Until next time....STAY CONSISTENT!

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