Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It's time to be HONEST with ourselves. One thing I've learned, and it wasn't even about an "aha" moment, was that I always DREAMED of things that were possible, but I didn't BELIEVE they were.

I used to tell myself. If I could just get lipo, and get thin.. then I'd eat salads forever to stay that way. Or If I could magically make myself a size 6, then I'd workout really hard all the time to stay that way. But the reality is that it wouldn't happen that way. Even if by magic we could be thin, our lifestyles wouldn't let us stay that way. The key to permanent change is not becoming a thinner version of ourselves, but a DIFFERENT version of ourselves.

The thinner version of ourselves would gain all that weight back. The different version of ourselves would be a completely different, BETTER person. That is what is happening with me. I live completely different than I used to. And it's not just about deciding to eat oatmeal or drink Shakeology instead of muffins for breakfast. It's about EDUCATING ourselves about what foods our bodies need, and WHY we crave certain foods, and how to handle it, and what to feed ourselves instead, so that we don't crave at all.

Oh...and don't think it will happen tomorrow...It takes time and it takes patience to learn all these things (it's an ongoing process). I've been trying to eat cleaner for over a year and still slip up all the time. It's about learning a new way to view your life, and then go forward with it, and just TRY. We deserve to feel good about ourselves, and we need to love our life.

It's time to quit dreaming it and start living it peeps! YOU have it in you. YOU are the only one that can make the change. YOU have to want it for yourself. YOU are worth it and YOU deserve it. It's inside of YOU; and only YOU can execute a new YOU.

Make your dreams come alive and continue on with this clean eating and getting fit path because THIS is the way to make your new body happen. THIS works for anyone and YOU will make it work. Your fit and healthy life is right here in front of YOU.

We ARE doing this and we ARE making this happen for ourselves. Never give up, just keep pushing forward...one (healthy) step at the time! YOU ARE WORTH IT!

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